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Releases: rolldown/rolldown


29 May 05:41
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Important features

  • Support [hash] placeholder in entryFileNames and chunkFileNames.
  • Support output: 'cjs'.
  • Support bundling .json files.
  • Tree shaking cares about package.json#sideEffects and __@PURE__ annotations.
  • Auto-exteranlize Node.js's builtin modules while targeting platform: 'node'.

Improved Rollup plugin compatibility

See #819.

Built and published with provenance

Now, you could see this mark in rolldown's homepage of npm.


More changes

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01 Apr 03:16
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What's Changed

pnpm add rolldown

Thanks to the original owner of the rolldown package, we have switched the npm package name to just rolldown!

  • ⚠️ @rolldown/node is now deprecated.

pnpm add rolldown@nightly

We have also set up automatic nightly releases under the nightly npm dist tag. You can install the nightly version with pnpm add rolldown@nightly.


🚧 Notice

Rolldown is currently in active development and not usable for production yet.

To avoid conflicts with older versions of the rolldown package, versioning for the new Rolldown bundler will start at 0.10.0.

Since we could not follow semver exactly before we reach to 1.0.0. So the current version bumping strategies are:

  • For non-breaking changes, we will bump a patch version. 0.10.0 -> 0.10.1
  • For breaking changes, we will bump a minor version. 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0

More changes

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New Contributors

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